Portfolio /


Technologies: Vue + Laravel (UPDATED) Nuxt on Vercel Database courtesy of Vercel
Project Summary of larrydev
larrydev client management application & project portfolio. Manage potential clients, webapp content, client projects, and business files pertaining to each client. Clients are able to register as a user or recieve a temporary signed URL to be presented with a short 8-10 question assessment as a form to get an initial small idea of the business or client’s needs. Clients can upload and manage media items such as pictures and videos aas content that they wish to place onto website. Features includes a Contact Form, Assessment Form, Auth via Breeze Sanctum.
a picture of web application project larrydev | Vue + Laravel (UPDATED) Nuxt on Vercel Database courtesy of Vercel engineered by larrydev.

Feature 1

Larrydev Landing Page

a picture of web application project larrydev | Vue + Laravel (UPDATED) Nuxt on Vercel Database courtesy of Vercel engineered by larrydev.

Feature 2

Larrydev contact form feature, powered by a Laravel backend REST CRUD api with front-end and back-end form validation.

a picture of web application project larrydev | Vue + Laravel (UPDATED) Nuxt on Vercel Database courtesy of Vercel engineered by larrydev.

Feature 3

Larrydev Portfolio Showcase Page

a picture of web application project larrydev | Vue + Laravel (UPDATED) Nuxt on Vercel Database courtesy of Vercel engineered by larrydev.

Feature 4

Larrydev Portfolio About Me page two downloadable files are available.

a picture of web application project larrydev | Vue + Laravel (UPDATED) Nuxt on Vercel Database courtesy of Vercel engineered by larrydev.

Feature 5

Larrydev Assessment Create form feature powered by a Laravel back-end with back-end validation, Alpine.js on the front-end for form interactivity.

a picture of a spinning gear icon
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